This Week I Found: January 4 – 10 2014

What Paleontology Teaches Us About Our Own Future‘.

In case I haven’t made it clear, here are 5 reasons not to use antibacterial soap.

I have a newfound admiration for the pink fairy armadillo.

Why do tropical rain forests have so much diversity?

An icebreaker was just rescued from the Antarctic ice and it does not disprove global climate change.

Global climate change is to blame for the wandering polar vortex.

Is the polar vortex more like the Hoth or beyond the wall?

The extreme cold from the polar vortex might help to wipe out invasive insects, as well as kudzu.

Now that the polar vortex is back in the Arctic, how did plants cope with the cold?

While North America is experiencing record low temperatures, the Australian heat is killing off thousands of flying foxes.

The Palaeobiology Database lets you visualize extinct species in time and space.

What does the Universe have in common with the floor under your fridge?

Dinosaur poop is harder to find than you would expect.

Home HIV tests are coming and that’s a good thing.

E. coli is one of the most well-known microbes, and it still surprises us.

If you want to find a new species, I recommend first looking in a little rural market or in museum collections, or in the Amazon.

Humans had cavities before the rise of agriculture.

The ancestor of lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!) wasn’t very big or fearsome.

Speaking of lions, they’re nearly extinct in West Africa.

I love when technology and paleontology collide: fossils and 3d printing.

Congratulations to the Great Lakes, the only region in the US with an increase in wetlands!

An interesting visual of how a few dog breeds have changed over the past 100 years.

Prairie dog ‘jump-yips’ are like a cross between a yawn and a sound off.

Birds and crocodiles use tools, but did dinosaurs?

Some birds eat fish and some fish eat birds.

My inner child can’t believe that there are ways to determine what color fossil organisms were.

I Love Science Because‘.

‘How to fossilize…yourself’ from TED-Ed

Ice balls in Lake Michigan

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